Parliamentary and Presidential System!!! In the previous post, we have read about the Indian Parliamentary system. Now, we will do a comprehensive comparison between Parliamentary and Presidential system of government.
Comparison between Parliamentary and Presidential System
Parliamentary System | Presidential System |
Features: 1. Dual executive. 2. Majority party rule. 3. Collective responsibility 4. political homogeneity 5. Double Membership 6. The leadership of Prime Minister 7. Dissolution of Lower house 8. Fusion of powers | Features: 1. Single executive 2. President and legislators elected Separately for a fixed term. 3. Non-responsibility 4. Political homogeneity not exist 5. Single Membership 6. Domination of President 7. No dissolution of Lower house 8. Separation of powers |
Merits: 1. Harmony between legislature and executive. 2. Responsible government. 3. prevents despotism. 4. wide representation. | Merits: 1. stable government. 2. Definiteness in policies. 3. Based on the separation of power 4. Governments by experts. |
De-merits: 1. Unstable government. 2. No continuity of policies. 3. Against separation of powers 4. Governments by amateurs. | De-merits: 1. Conflict between legislature and executive. 2. Non-responsible government. 3. May lead to autocracy. 4. Narrow representation. |
Reasons for Adopting the Parliamentary System
After the years of British imperialist governing rule, India’s founding fathers did a lot of analysis. And they wanted to give their people a stable and understandable government.
So, it took a lot of time in deciding the structure and shape of our democracy. A plea was made in favour of the US presidential system of government in the Constituent Assembly. But, the founding fathers preferred the British parliamentary system due to the following reasons.

Familiarity with System
The Parliamentary system was operating during British rule in India. So, the makers of the constitution were familiar with this. It generally takes a lot of time to understand the governing principles of the country.
So, founding fathers were of the thought that Indian masses are aware of the Parliamentary system. Finally, they also adopted the same system.
Though the Parliamentary system was not unique in itself. In ancient India, we found some instances of Parliamentary republic government, like Malla Kingdom, Shakya Clan, Licchavi Kingdom etc.
Nature of Indian Society
India is one of the most heterogeneous States and most complex plural societies in the world.
So, the Constitution-makers adopted the parliamentary system as it offers greater scope for,
- Giving representation to various sections, interests, and regions in the government.
- This promotes a national spirit among the people and builds a united India.
Preference for more Responsibility
Dr B R Ambedkar pointed out two must satisfy conditions for democratic executive,
- Stability and
- Responsibility.
Unfortunately, it has not been possible so far to be implemented. Because in past, we have seen so many instances of the coalition government.
Fortunately, now we have a stable government but we still need a responsible government.
Whereas, Presidential government or the American system gives more stability but less responsibility. On the other hand, the British system gives more responsibility but less stability.
So, the Draft of Constitution in recommending the Parliamentary system which has more responsibility.
Need to avoid legislative-executive conflict
The framers of the Constitution wanted to avoid the conflicts between the legislature and the executive which is very prevalent in the presidential system prevalent in the USA.
So, they thought that an infant democracy could not afford to take the risk of a conflict between these two organs of the government.
They wanted a firm stable government that would be conducive to the development of the country.
So, this was all about the government system. Till now, we have read about the basic principles of the Constitution, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties etc.
For the UPSC preliminary examination, we generally find questions from these sections. From now onwards, we will start a comprehensive understanding of the constitution for the UPSC mains examination.
Thanks and Stay Civilized. 😊
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